

PRISMA , Centre for Development Studies (GR)
Contact person: Fouli PAPAGEORGIOU, Myrto ADAMANTIADI,

PRISMA – Centre for Development Studies is an independent research and project development organisation specialising in the fields of local and regional development and in particular culture, social policy, human resources, tourism, information society and public management.

As part of its cultural development work, PRISMA has produced numerous publications, organised exhibitions, national and transnational workshops as well as contributed to theatre productions.

The organisation was set up in 1989 and is now one of the leading Greek institutions in its field, forming also part of a wide network of research and educational institutions across Europe. Its clients and partners come mainly from the public and social sectors and include public authorities, civic society organisations and NGOs, universities and research institutes, the European Commission and international organisations such as the OECD.


Academy of Balkan Civilisations (BG)
Contact person: Kiril TOPALOV

Academy of Balkan Civilization is a non profit institution which undertakes:
  • Promotion of cultural cooperation in the Balkan region
  • Implementation of national and EU programmes that promote education and culture.
  • Strengthening of the links between national and international organisations that have an interest in education, fine arts, literature and culture more generally.

Fondazione AIDA (IT)

Contact person: Meri Malaguti , Elena Spola


Fondazione Aida - Aida was established in Verona in 1983 by a group of theatre artists to promote children’s theatre.While children’s theatre still remains one of its core activities, the scope of the Aida Foundation has, over the years, inevitably expanded to include a wide range of activities that promote every aspect of culture through important national and international projects. Amongst there are:
  • Production of social-cultural events and exhibitions.
  • Promotion and management of projects sponsored by European Union cultural program.
  • Conception, organisation and production of theatre performances for children and adults.
  • Professional courses for educators.
  • Involvement in the management of publishing house specializing in theatre.
The Foundation has also been active as a member in the main European networks in this field.In every aspect of its work, Aida Foundation has been committed to acting upon its civic function by addressing and raising the public’s awareness concerning the most pressing matters in our society.

ALEKTON Cultural Organisation (GR)

Contact person: Kostas Kartelias

ALEKTON is a non-profit organisation, registered as a membership association. For the past nine years ALEKTON has been organising a variety of cultural and art activities, including the production, co-production and staging of theatre performances, the organisation of music and song concerts, lectures, book presentations, the running of an art gallery as well as the publication of books and art works.

The activities of ALEKTON include:

  • Drama performances,
  • Music events
  • Organisation of exhibitions of new visual arts, using a mix of media, painting, sculpture, video art etc;
  • Publishing of Guides to the art exhibitions;
  • Publishing of poetry collections, literature and art works (silk screens)
  • Organisation of lectures, symposiums, book presentations, poetry events, etc.

Associate Partner

Hellenic Center of the International Theatre Institute (GR)

Contact person: Neophytos PANAGIOTOU, Thodoris ABAZIS

The Hellenic Centre of the International Theatre Institute is a member of the International Theatre Institute (I.T.I.) of UNESCO and one of its 90 National Centres founded all over the world since 1948. The Hellenic Centre was founded in 1951. It is a non-governmental and non -profitable organization. Theatre professionals can be members of the Hellenic Centre of the ITI (actors, directors, stage designers, theatrologists, researchers, theatre critics, playwrights and translators). It is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and cooperates with cultural organizations, foundations in Greece and abroad, as well with foreign embassies and cultural institutes in Greece.

The objective of the Hellenic Centre of I.T.I. is, through its action, to contribute to the international collaboration and to the evolution of the art of theatre, and also to function as a channel of communication between Hellenic and International Theatre.